On the above date and approximate time, I was laying extremely comfortably across my bed with my eyes shut, pondering in the solitude of my thoughts. I was actually laying there wrecking my poor little brain, desperately trying to come up with a logical explanation that would rationalize why so many individuals (who have spent a substantial amount of time in the Illinois Department of Corrections, regardless of their race, color, or creed), could actually allow themselves to fall victim time and time again to unhealthy circumstances in total disregard of the horror that lies within the gates of this prison world.
Over the past decade leaders of numerous ethnic groups across the country have been brainstorming not-stop around the clock, almost to the point of exhaustion to formulate some kind of practical solution to this million dollar question: Why do countless convicted felons get released from prison and return at such a high rate? Well, I’m about to unveil a brief summary in the following paragraphs of how the penal system really works.
Whenever a person takes it upon themselves to commit a criminal act and gets apprehended by local or federal authorities, he/she is first classified as a violent or non-violent offender depending on the charges brought against them. If they get arrested for drug possession or manufacturing, theft, gun possession, etc., they’ll automatically be classified as non-violent offenders. However, if they are arrested for murder, armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, home invasion, attempted murder, etc., they’ll be classified as violent offenders.
Unlike non-violent offenders, 50% or more of violent offenders will never get a second chance at re-entry into society to mingle among their family members and close friends ever again. Whenever a violent offender gets found guilty by a judge or jury of their so-called “peers” the sentence posed upon them ranges anywhere from a mandatory 20 year minimum to natural life without the possibility of parole. Meanwhile, non-violent offenders often get a slap on the wrist by simply being placed on probation. However, they also face a maximum of 20 years in prison with the possibility of parole.
In my opinion, one of the main reasons why numerous non-violent offenders get released and come back at such an alarming rate is because the vast majority of them fail to take full advantage of the opportunities at their disposal. The majority of facilities across the state of Illinois don’t have programs set in place necessary to help rehabilitate the minds of so many dysfunctional inmates. However, they do provide a few college level academic classes and several different clinical classes that could definitely be extremely beneficial in our journey to redemption:
Academic Classes
Associate Degree
GED Program
Clinical Classes
Lifestyle Re-direction
Anger Management
Substance Abuse
Dollars and Sense
Alcoholics Anonymous
The majority of non-violent offenders don’t attempt to put forth the effort to accomplish anything academically throughout the duration of their incarceration and they don’t even have the slightest bit of concern with trying to obtain the basic requirements necessary to get any type of employment (High-School Diploma/ GED). They would rather utilize every moment of their precious time sitting around playing cards, chess, and dominoes when none of those games are going to serve them any purpose upon their release from prison.
How can an ex-felon go back out into society and be able to obtain a certain level of legitimate success if he/she doesn’t make an effort to enroll in the programs that can be beneficial towards building an empire someday?
Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this brief essay. My name is Tobias Garrett, #R05862, and I approve this message!
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