The question has been asked, I dare say, throughout the black community: What is the root cause of all the violence being inflicted by black men on their community? Attached to this question is its Siamese twin: How can the violence be stopped, or at least curtailed? Answer: It won’t unless the black community is willing to accept the truth! What is the truth? The truth is this:
Violence, like all crime is not a political or economic problem, and thus, not solvable by politicians and professors of economics as is being attempted, but rather a spiritual problem to be solved, if at all, by a community of black people who truly have a God-Consciousness, daily manifested in word and deed. Also the lion like courage not to fear any man – a powerful declaration spoken in a powerful speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the night before his assassination.
Think! Long before there was a United States of America, a state of Illinois with its criminal code in which crimes are defined and penalties affixed, “Someone” else said, “Thou shall not kill,” etc. Thus, what the state of Illinois calls “crime,” this “Someone” else calls sin! And, until the black community is willing to address the violence and all manner of crime in the language, and with the consciousness of this “Someone” else, the problem of violence and other acts of wrong-doing has no possible chance of being solved!
Does the black community, therefore, want the truth: No! It “can’t handle the truth!” Why? Because, the root cause of its problem with violence, so-called crime, is that, as a community, it has lost its mindfulness of God and His commandments. “Let us hear the conclusion of the matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” [Ecclesiastes, 12:13]. It has forgotten that “God does not like ugly,” an utterance frequently heard from the mouths of elders. It has become so addicted to sin in general that it has forgotten that the “wages of sin is death,” violent death! [Romans: 6:23].
Black community, you simply cannot handle the truth, for if you could, you would look in the mirror and hold in contempt the image that you see. It is the “face” of a Prodigal Son who has walked away from the grace of his “father,” seeking the pleasures of this world. You have bowed on the altar of the god of materialism, seeking fulfillment only to be left in the lurch, empty-handed, accompanied though by the violence that your sacrilegious homage has incurred.
How much longer must the black community suffer violence, shame, public ridicule and humiliation before it says of itself: “I will arise (from this altar of the god of materialism) and go (back) to my father, and say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants?” [Luke, 15:18-19].
The Solution: It is the acknowledgement of the dire need for a communal and unmitigated return to the Father, Who art in heaven, with the mindfulness of Him as is His due, and the wholehearted willingness to obey His Commandments. That will curtail, if not alleviate, the violence, shame, public ridicule and humiliation that is now fed daily to the black community.
August 13, 2018
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