There’s a tree outside my window. It stands there, its branches like broad arms twisting themselves toward the sun.
Some days I watch the wind blow through the gaps between its green locks; it is mesmerizing.
Now, I sit on my bunk, warm and protected from tonight’s chill. The tree learned self-defense against hard times and difficult weathers long ago. I wasn’t a thought then. Then My Grandma was a child, learning a similar martial art against the ways of the world. The tree stands fortified by its purpose— teaching survival. But if I ever herd it cry in submission, on this journey, I would understand, applauding it for its strength shown.
Though imprisoned like me, the tree doesn’t bend under the weight of weather or time.
I am inspired.
Sometimes I wonder if things do happen for a reason. Today I wonder if I was randomly assigned to this cell to witness the strength and beauty of the tree or is it all circumstantial. Regardless, I’m thankful to have gone through enough bad weather in my own life to be able to recognize a kindred spirit.
Sometimes when I feel alone, I get as close as possible to the window without touching and thank that large tree for having my back.
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