Category: Forum
What’s Missing from Prison Reform?
I am a participant in the program “Foundations for Life’ (FFL) here at Dixon Correctional Center. The goal of the program is “to develop and grow a framework for how to successfully move from inspiration to transformation.” This is achieved by putting Biblical wisdom into practice on a daily basis. Although FFL is a Christian…
A Conversation with “The Sheik”
We at the Prison Exchange understand how important it is to give our insight to the outside communities from which we come. So it is an honor to introduce you to one of the most respected voices in the inside community, Yusuf. Yusuf has served more than 50 years and has touched many lives. He…
Happy 2019 from Admin
We are really looking forward to 2019. Since our inception in 2016, we have been been posting essays and articles that reflect the insights of Illinois prisoners about prison life, culture and conditions. This year we will concentrate on the thoughts and ideas of IDOC prisoners concerning a very important topic, REFORM. The Federal Legislature…
Brian Beals, Editor and Founder of Prisoner Exchange interviews Stanley “S-Man” Howard on August 31, 2018
P.E. brings you real insight from the inside with noted prisoner/activist Stanley “S-Man” Howard who is currently incarcerated in the Illinois Department of Corrections in Dixon, Illinois. He talks with P.E. about his book “Tortured By Blue’” his life on death row and the fight to expose the Chicago Police torture scandal. TORTURED BY BLUE: …
IDOC and its numerous prison facilities, throughout the State of Illinois, has a whopping 32 million dollar deficit in regards to paying its bills. There have been numerous writings and reports on IDOC’s severe “Medical situation” which has claimed the lives of numerous inmates, due to the lack of adequate medical care. The Chicago Sun-times,…
Mental Health Update
Source: Chicago Law Bulletin June 2018 Issue In 2007, a prisoner named Ashoor Rasho filed a pro se lawsuit arguing that IDOC was violating his 8th amendment rights by failing to provide proper medical treatment. A year later, Attorney Marc R Kadish of Mayer Brown LLP agreed to be his lawyer. After years of court…
Root Causes
” I was born black, I lived black, and I’m gonna die black, probably because some cracker knows I’m black-better -than you nigga- is probably gonna put a bullet in the back of my head.” The Spook Who Sat by the Door. I remember when I was younger growing up, my brother and sisters and…
Interview with “325 Miles Away” author Darrion Benson
“I Want To Fly Home” I want to fly away extend my arms wait for the wind to lift me I’ll fly to a place where they get me and understand who I am Don’t miss me I’ll be where I belong I’ll be home. PE: Darrion, It’s always an honor to meet a…
Violence Prevention – “March Madness” and “Buried Alive”
The Violence Prevention program is a proven effective model that is designed to be a peer group based therapeutic program for the incarcerated. The program was established as a continuation and extension of the Lifestyle Redirection program – A 12 week course that teaches participants various life lesson practices geared to replace negative and destructive…
Violence Prevention Program- VPP at Dixon Correctional Center
The designers of the VPP believe this program can be just as elective decreasing violence in troubled communities as it is in Dixon CC. We base this belief on our experiences both outside and inside of prison. Inside of prison, men serving long term sentences are often tasked with helping younger prisoners, who are just…