Category: Forum
“Know Your Consequences”
This model is designed to educate participants about the law, more specifically, law and legal issues which affect the incarcerated. Every session lasts about two hours. For that time, the facilitator will discuss a specific topic. The topics are chosen from case laws requested by one of the participants: newly published cases in PLN, Chicago…
“Family Struggle-or-Family Hustle” (Prison Effects on Families)
Content: 1. Family Struggle 2. Family Hustle 3. Closing: Spoken Word “Cycle Reincarnated” Family Struggle Imagine your wrists being wrapped in handcuffs, a judge imposing long math numbers and iron bars being slammed shut in the face of the man of your household. The man who once was the financial back-bone can no longer support…
Y.O.U.T.H “Young & Old United Together in Harmony”
Y.O.U.T.H. is a program designed to bridge the generational gap. It is a group organized and facilitated by the younger generation (Teens & Twenties) where they are able to express issues which are important from their experiences. The older generation (Thirties &up) attend as guests to listen to issues, grievances, etc., and serve as a…
Comments on the Documentary: “American Jails “
Adam Foss was educated in the intricacies of the law, and after years of prosecuting Black men and women, he was forced to see that the tools the State provided him with were actually shovels to dig graves and bury alive as many Black defendants as he possibly could during his time as a prosecutor.…
“American Jails”
I viewed “American Jails” as an in-depth account of the prospects of social control through mass incarceration. “American Jails” offered a view unseen towards political, social, economic and psychological warfare that America has placed on African Americans. Yet again, much like Michelle Alexander’s – “New Jim Crow,” we have a detailed dissection of the penal…
“American Jails”
I found “American Jails” to be one of the better prison documentaries made in a while. It presented a view of the people who are caught up in the system, from minor crimes to murderers, and how their lives are forever affected by the system once the handcuffs are placed on them. It also showed…
Comments on the Documentary: American Jails, 7-1-2018
Thank you CNN for the documentary “American Jails!” It was the best prison documentary I’ve ever seen. It told the story through the dueling lenses of the incarnated and the incarcerators. As an incarcerated man of 30 years and the originator of the concept for the website, Prisoners Exchange, it validated the key missions of…
Important Note from Admin!
While in prison our sources of information are limited to the television and news medias, all from local stations that serve the area around the prison. Other sources are national cable media outlets that rarely cover Chicago news in a comprehensive way. So P.E.’s main source of Chicago news is print media, i.e. Chicago Sun-Times…
What is the Solution to the Violence in the Black Community?
The question has been asked, I dare say, throughout the black community: What is the root cause of all the violence being inflicted by black men on their community? Attached to this question is its Siamese twin: How can the violence be stopped, or at least curtailed? Answer: It won’t unless the black community is…
The Ballot or the Bullet – 2018 Chicago
In 1964, Malcolm X broke away from the Nation of Islam (NOI), he then traveled to America’s urban centers delivering one of his most powerful speeches titled: “The Ballot or the Bullet.” It was in the aftermath of this speech that the iconic phrase “By Any Means Necessary” was derived. That speech was a direct…