Category: Voices
Misplaced – Joseph Moore
MISPLACED As I lay in the bunk reading, I’m torn away from the pages by the unmistakable sound of gum shoes squeaking, property boxes bumping against the wall, and the thuds of fist crashing against bare skin. The occupants in the cell above mine were fighting. With my thumb in between the pages…
Thru the Crack of This Window- Vernon Watts
THRU THE CRACK OF THIS WINDOW Thru the crack of this window a new 2morrow never arise because everyday mimic yesterday-the future seems frozen where the PRES-ENT PRE-SENT only past memories; pictures of happy days & stories told by detail remind one how the sun once evolved to a moon-hoping for today to move on…
Vernon Watts
Bio: My name is Vernon Watts & I am one of the thousands of prisoner x’s in I.D.O.C. seeking to bring change not only to prison but in society as well; my aim is to network ideas and views so we can stop this mass incarceration at the expense of human lives with no true…