Fathers “Where are they?”  That is the question that the single mothers and young children wrestle with everyday.  Most kids are bereft of a father because mommy was unaware of the fact that the person with whom she was intimate was a boy who hadn’t yet completed the process of manhood.  A boy can’t be thrust into the role of fatherhood, he must first be taught how to be a man by a man who will facilitate his matriculation into being a father.

Men and women are internally wired differently.  A woman can grow up without a mother and still be a good mother simply because most women are mothers by nature.  On the contrary, if the father isn’t present in the household, many times young boys will easily be influenced by caricatures of men that dwell within his proximity.  Now when the father is present, many young males are guided in a direction that is pleasing, not just to his community, but to society as a whole.  Furthermore. a father can set the bar high for his daughter regarding the expectations she should have in a man.  Her expectations could be set so high that she may be forced to travel the world just to find someone who measures up.

It is imperative, men, that you remind your daughters daily of their beauty and worth, so they will not search for that validation from those who may mean them harm .  Regardless of your financial situation, fellas you are the man who God left pyramids as exhibits to show others your true potential, and you are the man who is now president of a nation that once held your fathers captive. There is nothing you haven’t done nor any obstacles you haven’t triumphed, so make the declaration today to reclaim your title and position…as father, as leader, and as a man.  Make everyday a “Happy Father’s Day.”

Torian Curry



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